Efficient trip planning must always be the foundation for scheduling projects and tasks that require fleet vehicle operations. Trip planning can be made significantly more effective if a fleet manager can access all important vehicle information upfront while creating a trip.
To cater to this important requirement, LocoNav has come out with Fuel & Maintenance Status Updates. These updates are visible to the fleet manager at the time of trip creation and trip tracking. You may create a trip, and assign a vehicle, only to realise later that your vehicle is out of fuel or has maintenance activities coming up. Or you may notice during tracking a trip that your vehicle is running out of fuel.
This feature will provide more visibility into the trip creation and trip tracking process, as well as enable users to make more informed decisions while planning fleet trips and monitoring ongoing trips. For each individual trip, the users will now be able to track fuel usage during the trip along with the available fuel in the vehicle from trips map and trips detail page respectively.
Manage your fleet efficiently with LocoNav’s Fleet Management Solutions!
- On the “Create/Edit Trip” form, users can now view the details of:
- Ongoing trip on the vehicle, if any
- Available fuel for the vehicle
- Schedule of the upcoming maintenance service
- At the individual trip level, users can view the data on fuel consumption and fuel availability under the All Trips tab.
- Easier Vehicle Selection for Trips
Users can make more informed decisions about assigning vehicles to trips by considering current fuel levels and upcoming maintenance schedules.
- Increased Data Visibility
Fuel levels and maintenance schedules of all vehicles have now been integrated with the trips module for better discoverability.
- Reduced Downtime
Since fuel and maintenance information is readily available, users can manage their vehicles more proactively and avoid vehicle breakdowns, thereby reducing fleet downtime.
PLEASE NOTE: This feature is only available in the English language for all New UI users with the revamped Create/Edit trip form.