The Maharashtra state transport department is gearing up to push for a proposal which will make vehicle location tracking systems mandatory for all commercial vehicles, ranging from cabs, private buses, school buses and heavy commercial vehicles, throughout the state. The proposal aims at ensuring that every commercial vehicle should have a tracking device in place so that location tracking and adherence to traffic laws can be regulated.
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In a statement, Avinash Dhakne, State Transport Commissioner, said, “A similar VLTS is running successfully in Kerala where errant drivers are caught on highways through remote monitoring,”
“You can see if a vehicle is speeding on the highway or cutting lanes. You can at once alert traffic cops on that route and intercept the vehicle, prosecute the offender and impose penalties,” he added.
As per reports, the transport department is set to rope in an external agency which will help with operational and infrastructural support, such as setting up the command and control center for the department. Along with that, the state will also ensure that authorised suppliers of the vehicle tracking device are appointed and the devices are linked to the central command center, which will fall under the jurisdiction of the state transport department. To make tracking and identification simpler, the devices are set to be linked to the registration number of the vehicle.