Fleet vehicles are responsible for some precious cargo. Ranging from our daily egg-bread-milk breakfast to almost every online shopping order we place. It is only fair that the people managing these fleet vehicles need and demand 24*7 vehicle visibility. The importance of constant visibility cannot be overstated.
Fleet managers are always looking for additional visibility, and the appropriate fleet tracking software provides this and much more. This is where GPS tracking devices come into play. Problems do not remain hidden for long when you can see what is going on with drivers and vehicles—which means you can get a better handle on what is going on across all of your trucks and drivers, raise operational efficiency, and ultimately improve your margins.
But as managers are getting smarter with fleet security, criminals are following suit. GPS jammers and mobile phone jammers are devices that can interfere with the operation of GPS tracking devices, which are important to real-time fleet vehicle tracking systems, causing problems for fleet owners attempting to maintain fleet tracking and control.
In this blog, we will learn more about GPS signal jammers and their effect on the fleet industry.
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What is a GPS Jamming Device?
A GPS jammer is a compact, self-contained transmitter device that sends radio signals at the same frequency as a GPS device to conceal one’s location. This is why it is also called a GPS frequency jammer. Because of the interference, the GPS device fails to determine its position.
Because of their low power and rapid start-up time, jammers can be employed only when necessary. Although illegal, numerous forms of cheap GPS jammers, such as physical barriers, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth jammers, remote control jammers, spy camera jammers, and drone jammers, to mention a few, are available for purchase online.
What Happens When a Driver Installs a GPS Jammer in the Vehicle?
GPS jamming devices have become affordable and simple to use. Delivery drivers and long-haul truckers can hide their location for very little money, so dispatchers do not know they are taking long breakfast breaks or idling on the highway.
Some speeders may use jammer devices to escape detection by authorities and avoid fines. Criminals employ GPS jammers to conceal vehicle theft or to avoid tolls or mileage fees. In the fleet world, GPS jammers could be used by a driver to keep the supervisor from knowing where the business car is going.
No matter why it is being used, if a driver installs a vehicle GPS tracker jammer, the fleet manager will not be able to correctly determine the vehicle’s position. This puts your vehicles at risk of unauthorized usage as well as vehicle theft.
What are the Implications of GPS Jammers for Fleet Communication?
Some may perceive GPS jammers as a way for drivers (and companies) to avoid telematics laws and mandates in order to obtain a competitive advantage, or because of privacy concerns. However, using anti-tracking devices in a fleet car risks
- Introduction of insecure hardware into the vehicle and allowing hackers to obtain access to onboard telematics systems and
- Interference with GPS systems such as navigation, location, and more. GPS jamming devices are also dangerous to public safety and security.
- Uncertainty if a vehicle is stolen. GPS jammers make it more difficult for law enforcement to locate the vehicle, thereby affecting a company’s scheduled lineup and, potentially, its bottom line if the missing vehicle is not located.
Approaches a Fleet Operator Should Take to Safeguard Fleet Security
Fleet owners and managers must understand the scope of their existing GPS tracking devices and guidance systems in order to determine whether or not a device is being impeded by a GPS jammer. Here are 4 helpful tips a fleet operator should take to safeguard their fleet from GPS jammers:
- Driver Training
Being aware of the risks inherent in the high-tech environment is essential for avoiding loss. Drivers must be informed on all aspects of the technology being used. They must be able to understand its functioning as well as its defects that will instantly notify management of any abnormalities.
- Active Monitoring
Since most GPS tracking software such as LocoNav offer live tracking, it is an active means of monitoring fleets. The fleet management team should be prepared to detect undesirable signals and interferences in the channel that can disrupt monitoring.
- Anti GPS Jammer
If the driver or criminals employ jammers to disrupt GPS signals, an additional GPS antenna must be installed on the trucks and trailers for increased security.
- Geo-Fencing
While fleet monitoring through GPS, management should create a geo-fence system around the routes that the management has planned for the movement of the fleet from its origin to its destination. In the event that the driver deviates from the pre-planned path, geo-fencing will aid to alert management and get the driver back on track.
How to Detect a GPS Jammer?
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): SNR is calculated by dividing the received signal power by the received noise power at the nodes. It is a particularly effective statistic for detecting jamming attempts in the physical layer since jamming requires a decline in the SNR value.
Are GPS Jammers Illegal in India?
Using a cellular signal jammer, GPS blocker, or other signal jamming equipment is typically unlawful, unless expressly authorised by the Government of India.
What is the Range of GPS Jammers?
When activated, the GPS jammer sends out an interference signal in a 5 to 10 metre radius, disrupting GPS satellite signal reception.