Fleet and driver safety is a common concern for all fleet managers. Be it any industry, safety is...

Difference Between Static And Dynamic ADAS Calibration
ADAS, or Advanced Driver Assistance System, is a broad term encompassing the plethora of technological upgrades seen in...

How To Choose the Best Dash Cam For Your Car In India?
With dashcams becoming more common, it’s obvious to see why people invest in smarter driving. The advantages that...

Why Should you get a Bike Dashcam?
Owning a motorcycle not only provides the enjoyment of riding in the open air, but it also provides...

What is a G Sensor & How does it Work in a Dashcam?
Faster speeds can now be achieved as vehicles have improved with technical developments, and unpleasant minor bumps, as...

Understanding ADAS Calibration & its Types
Are you planning a long road trip? Or do you have an urgent order due that will require...

What is Parking Mode on a Dashcam?
Did you know, that the FBI reports that $7.4 billion was lost to motor vehicle theft in 2020?...

Hardwire or Not to Hardwire: A Complete Dashcam Installation Guide
The dashcam, often known as a dashboard camera, has gained in popularity in recent years due to its...

Key Benefits of Using a Dashcam in 2022
The dashcam, often known as a dashboard camera, has grown in popularity in recent years, owing to its...

Video Telematics Technology For Improving Driver Safety
Any fleet organization is only as good as its driving crew and also the vehicles they drive. Although...

Using Video Telematics To Improve Driving Behavior
Choosing telematics solutions for fleet management has continued to prove its importance. With the rapid evolution of the...

Determine Road Accident Liability Using Video Telematics
South Africa has a substantially higher annual road death toll than the rest of the globe. It’s also...

The Data-Driven Future of Fleet Safety with Video Telematics
It is critical for a fleet manager to safeguard their assets, including their driving crew and their fleet....

Video Telematics: A Game Changer For Fleet Managers In South Africa
With the flow of people and goods, road infrastructures serve as the backbone of South Africa’s socio-economic activity....