The global economy’s new currency is information. We anticipate having the appropriate information at the proper time to...

5 ADAS Features You Should Go For In 2022
The use of automated driving systems is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Automakers are gradually integrating active safety and...

Things You Never Knew About Fuel Tank Calibration
The fleet industry has always had fuel as the major contributor to operational costs. Lately, the rising prices...

Truck Dashcam – Importance & Buying Guide
Indeed, truck drivers are very busy people and so it is important for them to stay safe on...

What is a Fuel Level Sensor & How does it Work?
If you are a fleet manager, there is no denying that fuel management is the most difficult duty...

Should You Use A Fuel Flow Meter?
Fuel is an essential component of running a fleet of vehicles. Because your trucks can’t move without fuel,...

How To Manage Unassigned Driving Events?
Incorporating unidentified trips is one of the consequences of the ELD mandate. According to the ELD mandate, ELDs...

What is ADAS Technology & How is it Changing the Automotive Industry in India?
It only takes a couple of seconds: a quick call from work, a text message from your loved...

What do Deadhead Miles Mean in Trucking?
Realizing deadhead miles can be vital when looking for the right load if you are a new driver...

ADAS Challenges & How To Tackle Them
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) has been rapidly integrated into vehicles over the last ten years, with almost...

Crown Flour Mill Uses LocoNav’s Video Safety Solutions To Safeguard its Flour Produce and Drivers In-Transit
Nigeria procures approximately 4 million MT of wheat per year for use in bread, noodles, biscuits, and pasta....

What is a Brake Assist System & How Does it Work?
If you’ve ever driven on a plain highway, you’re probably familiar with the sensation of spacing out behind...

Private vs. Dedicated Fleet – Know Which One to Choose for Your Business
As businesses seek ways to remain viable in a difficult economic climate, rethinking the kind of fleet they...

Increase Efficiency on Every Trip with LocoNav’s Revamped UI for Reports Module
Wouldn’t you rather increase your fleet’s efficiency with every trip? If the answer is yes, you’re in luck....

How is Global Microchip Shortage Affecting the Telematics Industry?
It is quite likely that at least once in your lifetime, you have delayed changing your mobile service...

A Complete Guide to Fleet Idling (4 Ways to Reduce It!)
Idling cannot be avoided. However, if left uncontrolled, it can spiral out of control and become a destructive...

Selecting The Right Telematics Service Provider – Here’s What You Need To Know
Fleet management systems have numerous benefits; nevertheless, in order to maximize their effectiveness, it is critical to select...

Challenges Faced in Public Sector Fleet Management
You’re probably wondering why public sector fleet management is worthy of a discussion. Well, fleet vehicles move the...

6 ADAS Levels: The Ultimate Guide on 0 to 5 Levels of Autonomous Driving
Advanced driver-assistance systems or ADAS levels are technical features that are intended to improve vehicle safety. When appropriately...

Difference Between Static And Dynamic ADAS Calibration
ADAS, or Advanced Driver Assistance System, is a broad term encompassing the plethora of technological upgrades seen in...