Vehicle tracking technology, also known as GPS tracking, has become really popular in recent years. The technology is...

Helping India Breathe with Hemkunt Foundation
When coronavirus cases rose at an alarming rate in the country, India’s shortage of oxygen became evident. Oxygen...

What to Consider Before Going Electric: Fleet Management Edition
There has been a significant shift in the automotive industry towards EVs and government legislation, changing customer priorities...

A Fleet Manager’s Guide to Cross Border Transportation
With the rise in global trade, there has been a substantial increase observed in cross-border transportation, which, in...

Telematics Can Be a Key Component in COVID-19 Vaccine Transportation. Here’s How.
How Leveraging Telematics is Valuable in Transporting COVID-19 Vaccine The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone’s life and...

How LocoDrive Helped a Major Freight Transport Business Optimise its Fleet Performance
Overview Any business in the logistics sphere has had its share of conventional trucking challenges. One of our...

The Power of Fleet Management for SMEs
It does not matter how small a fleet you own, you can not underestimate the importance of investing...

Explained: What the Suez Canal Saga Has Taught Us About Supply Chain Technology
The Suez Canal blockage aggregated the problems that the global supply chains were already facing due to the...

7 Tips for Driver Retention: Finding Good Drivers is Hard, Retaining Them is Even Harder!
Retaining good talent is challenging in almost every sector, but the fleet industry has its own complexities which...

Identifying Cyberattacks in the Transportation Industry: A User’s Manual
The transportation industry has become increasingly digitised with a comprehensive range of data flowing across the system for...

How AI and IoT are Facilitating Unparalleled Growth in Fleet Management
The terms Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of things (IoT) have become really popular in recent years....

Cost Optimization: A Prudent Strategy for Fleet Managers to Address COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic has unfavourably influenced all aspects of the fleet industry. Considering the unpredictability created by the...

Electric Vehicles: The Future of Heavy-Duty Transportation
Most of the electric vehicles running on the road till now have been light-duty, however, there is a...

How Telematics Can Improve Fleet Management During a Pandemic
The transportation of essentials across the country is an important task during this global crisis. The world is...

Fleet Management 101: Myths vs Facts
The global fleet management software market is estimated to hit over $50 Billion in the next few years...

Telematics and Real-Time Digital Twins: To Manage the Demands of Logistics Networks
Telematics, the combination of telecommunications and informatics, offers crucial insights when it comes to logistics and fleet management....

The 5E Model of Fleet Optimisation
Investing in a fleet of vehicles is undoubtedly one of the major expenditures involved in any business. If...

6 Trends That Are Transforming The Automotive Industry
Telematics has emerged as one of the biggest trends in the automotive industry in recent times. It combines...

0 – 1 of Tech in Logistics: Making Sense, Building Tech
From industry stalwarts to exciting interns, experience in core logistics has a uniquely different impact on every individual....

New Vehicle Scrappage Policy: The CV Perspective
The demands for a comprehensive agenda for establishing the vehicle scrapping policy in India has been long talked...